American Horticultural Society Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers (American Horticultural Society)

99.000₫ 320.000₫
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AHS Encyclopedia of Plants & Flowers is an expert guide to planning your dream garden, redesigned to aid navigation and make identifying plants easier than ever. 

Packed with 8,000 plants for every climate — inside and out — from trees, shrubs, perennials, annuals, biennials, bulbs, water plants, and cacti, the AHS Encyclopedia of Plants & Flowers will give you all the guidance you need. 

This fully revised and updated edition features a brighter, clearer design and improved navigation — cataloging plants by color, season, and size — that makes the book more intuitive for the reader. Each variety is photographed and the new "how to" planting guide tells you all you need to know on cultivation, pruning and care. The special plant selector helps you choose plants for every possible situation and condition, from sunless walls or sandy soil to planting up containers.

Since its first publication in 1987, the AHS Encyclopedia of Plants & Flowers has sold nearly three million copies worldwide and is the ultimate reference for any gardener's bookshelf. The American Horticultural Society (AHS) is one of the oldest national gardening organizations in the country. Since 1922, they have provided America's gardeners with the highest quality gardening and horticultural education possible.

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